
Chipper is workout from the 2021 Rogue Invitational. This CrossFit workout is a pyramid. This workout is scored by the time it takes the athlete to complete the work.

Workout Description

45/40 Cal Row
35 Box Step-ups w/Feed Bag (24/20 and 70/50)
30 Strict HSPU
15 Ring Muscle Ups
Jerry Can Carry (100/70)
15 Ring Muscle Ups
30 Strict HSPU
35 Box Step-ups w/Feed Bag (24/20 and 70/50)
45/40 Cal Row

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2021 Rogue Invitational WODs  Rogue Invitational WODs  


Row   Handstand Push Up   Ring Muscle Up   Odd Object Carry   Weighted Step Up